Pre-service teachers’ mathematics achievement, attitude, and anxiety: The moderative role of pre-service teachers’ interest in the learning process
Hatsu Edo 1 * , Maanu Vivian 2 , Bright Asare 3 , Yarhands Dissou Arthur 3
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1 Department of Mathematics and ICT, Saint Vincent College of Education, Yendi, GHANA2 Department of Mathematics and ICT, Akrokerri College of Education, Adansi, GHANA3 Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Kumas, GHANA* Corresponding Author


The aim of the study was meant to investigate the moderative role of pre-service teachers’ interest on mathematics achievement, attitude and anxiety during teaching and learning process. The study was conducted at Akrokerri College of Education Adansi, Ghana on pre-service teachers with a population of 300. A sample of 206 pre-service teachers were involved in the study. Questionnaires were designed with regards to the four main constructs identified in the study. The questionnaires were analyzed using the structural equation model. The findings revealed that pre-service mathematics teachers’ attitude has a direct positive effect on pre-service teachers ‘mathematics achievement. Mathematics anxiety has a positive effect and is statistically insignificant on mathematics achievement. Finally, the moderating effect of mathematics interest on the relationship between mathematics attitude and mathematics achievement result was negative and it is statistically insignificant.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2024, Article No: em0192

Publication date: 01 Apr 2024

Online publication date: 10 Feb 2024

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