History for the Teaching of Mathematics: Transformation and Mobilization of Mathematical Knowledge for School
Iran Abreu Mendes 1 2 *
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1 Universidade Federal do Pará, BRAZIL2 Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação em Ciências e Matemáticas - UFPA, BRAZIL* Corresponding Author


This article aims to discuss processes of transformation and mobilization of knowledge related to the history of Mathematics as a teaching approach for mathematics at the Basic Education level. The core of the discussion is to highlight ways to explore this theme and point out guidelines to integrate information related the historical development of mathematics and its didactic uses in the classroom, associated with the rigor and naturalness appropriate to the treatment of the mathematical content stipulated in school curricula. In this sense, I highlight some possibilities of offering mathematics teachers in Basic Education and undergraduate courses didactic guidelines that contribute to their teaching practice. I also indicate central aspects to be focused on when inserting the historical dimension in mathematics classes as a thematic and material presentation, a conceptual development built from the exploration of primary or secondary sources in the form of didactic activities that can be used by the teacher to introduce, illustrate, or deepen a concept that is to be taught.


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Article Type: Research Article

PEDAGOGICAL RES, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2020, Article No: em0072


Publication date: 19 May 2020

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